Applicant Information
Permit Type D D/A
A1 Fencing BAA BAC Baggage Delivery Services BCAA BDA Customs BDA Immigration BDA Police Service BDA Post Office BDA Security Group Bermuda Cleaning Limited BermudaAir BFRS Bright Brigade Cedar Aviation Goddard Catering Invisible Trenching Ltd. LAE Limited Lagan (Contractor) Menzies Aviation Pure Water Q-Ship Royal Bermuda Regiment Security Associates Skyport SOL Bermuda Test US Military USCBP
Job Title
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Home Address
Work Phone
Home Phone
Email Address
Retype Email Address – Please double check your email is correct
RAP Expiry Date
Driver's Licence
Driver's Licence #
ERROR: You appear to already have an AVOP record in our database. You cannot submit a new application. Please choose Renewal or Amendment at the top of the form.
Driver's Licence Class
Please select all that apply from your Bermuda Driver's Licence:
Driving Codes Public Service Licence Codes
Driver's Licence Expiry Date
Photo of Driver's Licence
Reason for Airside Access
Please state your reason for airside access
Training Documentation
Upload the required completed Practical Training experience Record here:
Downloadable forms available here:
D Template (PDF) |
D/A Template (PDF)
Testing Documentation
Once completed the REDLINE Online course, upload Certificate of Completion here:Link for course will be provided once application submission has been approved.
Practical Driving Examination
Upload results of the Practical Driving Examination record here:
I have no convictions which are under the provisions of the Road Traffic Act. I hereby authorize the Department of Airport Operations to approach Transport Control Department, Bermuda Police, and Magistrates Court for verification of the information I have provided.
DA permit holders and D permit holders must comply with the following terms and conditions of issue:
a. The permit issued to me is the property of SKYPORT, L. F. Wade International Airport.
b. I am required to carry the permit with me at all times while operating vehicles on airside and ensure the permit is current.
c. I am aware that DA permit holders who have not driven airside for any 12-month period from the date of issue of the permit, or D permit holders who have not driven airside for any 6-month period form the date of issue of the permit, must report the circumstances to SKYPORT, rewrite the applicable AVOP examinations and practical test.
d. I understand that my AVOP is not transferable, in the event I change employer at L. F. Wade International Airport.
e. I understand as an AVOP holder operating a vehicle on airside I must, at all time, be in possession of a valid driver's license and will comply to all restrictions that license may carry including but not limited to any color vision impairments, and will immediately report any temporary or permanent revocation of that driver's license to SKYPORT. I further understand that a temporary or permanent revocation of my driver's license will result in revocation of my AVOP.
f. As an AVOP holder, I will control Foreign Object Debris (FOD) on airside in the performance of my duties.
g. I will obey all Airport Traffic Regulations, Airport Traffic Directives, traffic signs, devices, and directions given by Enforcement Officers.
h. I will immediately report all accidents and faults occurring on airside to Skyport via .
i. I understand that it is my responsibility to ensure my vehicle before use is fully functional and capable, free of any defects that can affect my driving.
j. I will have with me with all supporting documentation (i.e. maps, procedures, manuals etc..) that will ensure I remain clear of any danger.
k. I confirm that while airside and inside a vehicle, I will always keep a listening ear for activity in my surrounding area.
l. I understand that consuming or being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while operating a vehicle or equipment on airside is a chargeable offence and will result in the immediate revocation of my AVOP.
m. I have read and understand the relevant sections of the L. F. Wade International Airport Traffic Directives and these Terms and Conditions of Issue. I understand that failure to comply with the provisions of the rules and regulations of the Traffic Directives and these Terms and Conditions of Issue may result in the temporary or permanent revocation of my airside driving privileges by SKYPORT.
n. I will immediately report the loss, misplacement, or theft of my AVOP to SKYPORT.
o. Before operating any piece of Equipment/Vehicle you will ensure you are physically able to perform your tasks in a safe and proficient manner.
p. I will use the IMSAFE checklist as a personal health assessment tool to ensure as a driver I am healthy before each operation of a vehicle. The letters stand for; Illness, Medication, Stress, Alcohol, Fatigue, Emotions. By reviewing these elements of this personal checklist, I will as a driver conclude whether or not I am personally fit to operate a vehicle on the airfield.
By printing your full legal name below, it is as binding as your own personal signature. This is to ensure the applicant has completed the exam themselves and understands that all rules, regulations & responsibilities are that of the applicant.